Effortlessly donate to causes that you care about.
Inspiration: We wanted to find a way to help people donate to causes they care about easily, including but not limited to political causes and charities. It is often difficult to determine how much to donate, and the different platforms each institution offers for donations pose a challenge as well. Although many people want to contribute to charity organizations and take an active stance in supporting political institutions, the difficulty in doing so creates a clear disconnect between the people's good intentions and actual donations. Pearit seeks to bridge this gap by giving its users the ability to consistently donate the organizations they feel strongly about.
Web Design
Content Creator
Human Relations
The key to our app is its ability to seamlessly transfer funds from creditor to organization with little to no effort required by the user of the application. This ease of donation creates a large impact with minimal time investment - once the app is set up, it runs completely automatically. Pearit links with your credit card transactions, rounding up each purchase to the nearest dollar. The difference in change is then distributed among institutions chosen by the user in a ratio they would like. As the size of donation is consistent between each purchase - always confined to under a dollar - the user can ensure that they are continually supporting causes they believe in without incurring a sudden large expense. The account holder can then log into the dashboard and quickly understand the history of transactions and donations being made on their behalf.
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